9 Proven Ways To Convert Visitors Into Leads and Clients

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Believe it or not The first thing visitors do when they land in your website, They scan it by Reading Headlines and seeing Images. we are visual creatures and like human faces.
In This article i share with you 10 Effective steps You should include in Your Blog Homepage and even every blog post you write and publish. These Tips have a high conversion rate By Giving People a reason to take action. I Know You have Strong call to action in your blog But You have To display some tricks and techniques to convert More. i will also share with you how to convert visitors to leads
1-Show Your Face

We are visual Creatures and we like to see human faces. especially photos with faces more than images without faces. we Love to watch videos in which people show their faces instead of videos without faces. Big brands and Companies Use Visuals to To Infleunces emotionally on people to take action. and this is a proven Strategy that Grow their sales.
Instagram Is Very Successful network because people happy with sharing Their own photos and Most people love to share and comment on photos in which show their body and faces. More than other photos of nature.
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What You Should do :
You have To Implement This Tip in your Blog and Include Your Photo In the optin widget To entice visitors to look at Your Ebook and Read The strong call to action. if they find it interesting then You have used an amazing Trick that Gives you High conversion rate. Small changes can’t be ignored, they might have more influences and we might miss out lots of leads Just by Not testing our Photos and Offers. Testing shows us what works and what doesn’t work.
The Image on The right converts More better than Other Image on The left side. That’s How Images with faces Convert Better and Bring massive results. chalene johnson is a successful online Entrepeneur in fitness, self development and other niches. she uses her own high professional photos to establish her brand online and reach targeted clients.
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2-Strong Call To Action
Think about that You have written a good Guest Post In a popular website. The main reason to entice Those readers You have Some Good Content in Your Blog. When they click at Your BIO at the end of the guest post they go to your website. They find No Strong call to action No Good Images and You are not branding Your Blog.
They scaned Your blog and leave. The bounce rate is very low. What You Should do. well There is a lot. The Homepage is The most visited page in your blog and has the highest conversion rate. You have To Show Your Best headlines, Images To Make Them Click and When they are In. You have to provide them everything you promised in the headline. That’s How You encourage people to subscribe to your email list and Read More fom you.
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3-Direct Your Face

Nathalie lussier, when you land on her blog, she used a simple trick in which she looks at the other side not her offer. This fairly reflects our brain and we automatically take action. You have to do the same and Use visuals that blow people’s minds to take action. BuT You have to Provide them with massive value when you are Using These Good Tips.
4-Study facebook ad Images

Thousands of People Test Their facebook images on facebook when they ran ads, to have the Best ROI and entice More Visitors to join them. and this is faily acceptable action because we are paying money to Get visitors. We have to be strategic, Define our audience and our target that have money and able to spend money.
I Think one Good Thing is To know what converts better for us from our website. If we spend more time promoting our content in several platforms and we don’t get enough clicks, then we should Use Google analytics to know what prevents us from getting enough results.
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5-What Visitors Want In Your Blog
If You are Getting Organic traffic Then people will find your blog post through Google search engine and If You are Social Then You have to start an engagement. Both are the best ways to have visitors in your blog. But what Our Visitors Need. If we didn’t give them enough content that solves their problems, Help, give, and share we will lose them and they go to our competitors.
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6-Guest Post On Popular Blogs

When You Write On other blogs more than you write on your own. then you are using a solid marketing strategy to reach out other audiences from other blogs. You start writing something new and unique and this is what entice readers to visit your BIO at the end of that article so they visit your blog. and people feel you
- Write Highly Engaging Content Consistently that adds something new
- Reach out others who need your content but can’t find you without a solid marketing strategy.
this article is about how to write a Guest post
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7- Content Upgrade :
Content upgrade is a free packaged informations relevant to a blog post you read, if you want it you have to optin, its only given to subscribers.
Content upgrade has a higher chance to get more leads for you from just a high converting blog post. Use google analytics to know which article is more trafficked, then spend more time writing irresistible solutions and free informations that have massive value to get more optins. its the easiet way to drive people to give you their personal information.
What You Should Do : Find article that has more organic traffic, spend some time to add more Great content to that blog post before you Create content upgrade to entice readers you have compelling stuff.
This article Might Be helpful , lead generation homepage
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8-Write Converting Blog Post
We didn’t say content instead we said blog post, if you focus on your headline and subheadlines you know what your target audience need in that specific blog post.
Set a smart goal to write and publish a blog post, keep it long and detailed to rank better in search engines to get organic traffic and engage with your target audiece. people want blog post that tells a story, has case studies and adds more value, so you make sure you are writing highly converting blog post, my main focus would be segmented in questions
- What do i need to Get from this Blog post ?
- How To Write High Converting Blog Post ?
- Do i Have To Give Tons Of Value ?
- What about “ Content Upgrade” In Every blog post i write and Publish
Asking Yourself These questions, will determine what Results you Get.
Mark Cuban Says “ people don’t recognize iam working 24/24 hours to beat my competitors
Gary vaynerchuk: Got a question from a friend.
Friend : How Did you Get Rich Gary ?
Gary answers :Where did you find me When People Celebrating The new Year ?
Friend : You Were Working
Gary : That’s How i Got Rich. When iam working you are celebrating.
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9-Give More Value To Your Readers
Spend more time to come up with Good headlines to grab people’s attention. if you focus on writing good content instead of traffic and backlinks, you win later, this means you have enough blog posts and valuable informations to provide to your target readers and then use a solid marketing strategy to reach out influencers.
By Giving valuable informations in every blog post you write and publish, people recognize you as a smart marketer by giving tons of value for free and they pay attention to you.
Providing your audience with new resources will entice them and think you have more to offer and they start giving you their personal informations without asking them.