5 Simple Strategies To increase Website Traffic Quickly

how to increase blog traffic for free
When it comes to traffic everyone has a way, a method and a strategy that works for him and may not work for you. You ask them, what some proven marketing strategies you use? Everybody got an answer, they comment a tactic, try Facebook Groups and Pinterest, use Linkedin and so on.
how to increase blog traffic for free
They rarely show you a super smart strategy and laser targeted tactic. you become distracted because your blog lacks traffic.
You search on Google for critical traffic techniques. you stumble upon some blogs where you enter your personal information to download a free Ebook, it has interesting content but it doesn’t WoW you.
Here are 5 super simple ways to drive traffic to your blog.
If you want traffic, write Amazing stuff. people are going to come back. ultimately thats all it is. write something new and unique to differentiate yourself from other marketers.
how to increase blog traffic for free
1- One Single Article Does Wonder:
You can spend 3 days to write an amazing article that beats all articles in your niche and get it published on your website and medium platform. contact publications and tell them your article gets a lot of views and claps. they will be happy to republish it with their massive following.
smedian.com is the leaderboad of top publications on medium platform, you can request to contribute your blog post to top publications and they will decide whether add you or not as a blogger.
If you contribute with many publications and your request get accepted, your post get massive spikes of views, if you do this day after day, you will build a long term relationship with top leaders on medium
Also Read: How to start a successful blog in 13 steps and make money online
how to increase blog traffic for free
2- Pay To Get Customers:
My favourite tactics to increase blog traffic is by using free traffic sources.
- Technique #1: Write an epic blog post.
- Technique #2 : Promote that post on facebook groups.
- technique#3 : Promote that post on growthhackers.com
Driving tremendous number of visitors is not that hard, most beginning bloggers when they start out, they launch a blog and struggle with natural traffic.
Because they believe its free and targeted. its not free, you either spend time or money.
What all successful affiliate marketers do?
They pay for TRAFFIC.
They don’t have time to wait for organic traffic, then Google launches new updates and traffic disappears.
When you start a blog and have no audience, you either find influencers or Use facebook ads and Google adwords. this is called pay per click advertising.
You won’t believe how many customers you Get when you launch a successful campaign. I know this will cost you money but every $1 you spend, you get $2 back.
When we are talking about Facebook or Google we are talking about reliable networks with millions of daily customers.
Everything you need is to learn how to start a successful campaign to collect new subscribers. Every business needs new customers.
You really need to know
- Who are your customers
- Where do they hang out
- What do they need
Well. if you could send someone to Free ebook you designed to capture their email address and teach something, in fact so much more and satisfy your potential customers, you ‘ll sell them more stuff.
paid advertising works awesome when you target the right people at the right time with the right ad.
how to increase blog traffic for free
3- Guest Posting Strategy:
Guest posting is still and will remain an effective way for building consistent traffic. it is a way to start when your blog lacks organic traffic.
Find high authority sites like fastcomapny and huffington post that have millions of daily visitors and customers. the key is to get a target audience who are interested.
Guest posting is the number one strategy successful bloggers do to get spikes of leads, grow a mailing list and build a social proof.
The Questions is How and Where to guest post?
Related article: why guest posting needs to be a viable marketing strategy
The process is simple:
Google is your friend, find blogs that have the exact same topics and contact them.
Create a list of 10 blogs, read their content and read ” guest post rules “.
It is really important to guest post on other blogs to Grow, to create an impact and get new people in your online business. share a new method so that people can visit your blog, buy your books and your digital products.
When you start seeing 10, 30 and 100 subscribers from guest posting, that means you are doing well and should write more amazing posts to reach more subscribers. its almost not easy, but each post guarantees more customers.
how to increase blog traffic for free
4- Search Engine Optimization:
SEO is not complicated, it is about writing easy content that anybody can understand. write better content than your competitors to get shares, comments and leads.
if someonday enters keyword ” how to lose belly fat” has to find your article on the first page of Google, There is no trick to get top of Google, just pick long tail keywords, write content that converts and build some Quality backlinks.
Right now. i want you to understand SEO is a long journey and lots of people think they are doing it well or hire some SEO expert and guarantee first page.
SEO is not easy as it used to be in the past few years. You write an article, get it published on ezinearticles, build spammy links and Boom you rank higher on Google. the game has completly changed, SEO is a bit advanced and requires more work from individuals and web agencies.
So better don’t waste much time trying to find tips and tricks. Google is smarter Now and wants high Quality articles and links from authority sites.
Related article: 5 brilliant strategies to drive traffic to your blog
how to increase blog traffic for free
5- Facebook Groups are Goldmine Traffic Sources:
Facebook groups are goldmine sources of traffic, the key to get more traction is by adding tons of value to group members by asking and answering questions to gain and retain visibility. this tactic brings you more likes and over time, you will be able to post links to get spikes of traffic.
facebook groups are highly engaged and recommended, not all groups are created equal, the key is to search for groups that have the exact same topics you own in your blog.
The group Admin will keep an eye on your posts and links. try to comment on Admin posts to build that relationship to post your articles on the group in the next few days or weeks. once you are driving value and your posts get likes and answers from members, the Admin notices you are truly not spaming the Group, you are showing them ” how to do something”. be more helpful, create an impact and continue to serve them, you will get the results.
The key to generating more traffic and leads is by creating your own group where you educate bloggers who are interested in your niche. the main purpose is to respond to their questions by giving better answers, comment a tactic and share a super powerful strategy.
When you reach a number of members, post a 7 days free course to entertain them with something new and unique.
If you fail to generate traffic Melyssa Griffin has launched a pinterest product that helps people drive tremendous of traffic just from pinterest platform. she created this fb group to build a community of people.
Get in touch with those people, just say something like, would you like to grow your blog, join me for a free webinar where i show you a super smart strategy to acquire subscribers…… Boom. you are converting members to subscribers.
Also Read: how to start a blog in 20 minutes (7 steps)