3 Book Strategies To Generate Reviews

book reviews
Wondering how to get more book review and get more sales? I've seen so many Authors and writers publish their own books on Amazon and stable book platforms with zero reviews. in couple weeks they get hundreds of reviews to their books
Today, i want to show you 3 effective ways to use to get book reviews and sell more. it doesn't work much time and it's not a rocket science strategy. it is a simple way and anybody can do it to get hundreds of book reviews.
book reviews
1- Build a Responsive Email List :
Successful authors and writers use their email lists to generate unbelievable Numbers of downloads when they do automation marketing. a push button System. having a list of responsive subscribers gives you freedom and ability to Never rely on any traffic sources. owning an email list is like having your own Private network. book reviews
you send a message and get readers and downloads to your Books whenever you want. get customers buy your ebook, get fans and Followers and build social proof.
When It comes to building your list, there are hundreds of strategies out there and your own book is a solid strategy to capture leads. you can quickly build a list of qulaity subscribers when you give it away for free.
Its a way to expand, build exposure, get visibility and build credibility.
Your email shoud be like this :
book reviews
If you want to grow Your business online. You Need traffic, convert that traffic to leads and to sales.
i have written and published a kindle ebook on Amazon. It shows free traffic strategies. brilliant Strategies to build an audience from scratch.
Here is the ebook link ………
P. S : If you enjoy reading my kindle ebook. Please do me a favor and leave a 5 star review
book reviews
2- Build Fans and Followers :
I have been and still use facebook to get reviews for my kindle ebooks. It is the Fastest and easiest way for me because i have already used to connect not Collect to engage and interact to build trust with those fans. when i ask them For something. they respond politely and sayYES to everything. i start a Conversation with them to know their needs and what are their struggles online.
I focus on sending invitations to as many people as possible on facebook. i send them a quick message in which i tell them there is something good to connect with me. when they Add me I do my best to provide quality stuff on my facebook page to make them care about me the same way i care about them.
3- Use FaceBook Groups :
Hundreds of groups out there where you can engage and interact with members Before you send your own kindle ebooks to get downloads and reviews.
I am a member of many kindle groups. you get nothing if you don’t post good posts, Connect with active members to spread your message and show them something Never heard about. when they realize you provide something new and unique they Start communicating with you in a way to solve their problems.
Facebook groups are gold mine traffic sources if you know how to engage with Members. you need the right strategy which is to provide so much value to gain that Visibility and build long term trust.
book reviews
It is super simple when you communicate with few people and help them grow Faster. show them how to grow and make an Influence.
What If i told you Tthere is a simple way to double your reviews. you capture More leads and get sales without doing a Lot of promotions. this only takes you Some time.
If you send 5000 readers to your book and nobody leaves a review and nobody Subscribes. on the other hand smart authors get reviews and leads. Its because their Books are optimized for conversions.
book reviews
Here is The Secret : the best way to generate reviews and collect subscribers is to write an amazing book. that’s the ultimatly the answer. focus on readers not sales.
book reviews